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Epoxy gietharsen

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Smooth-On is one of the worlds leading manufaturers 3D modeling materials such as mold-making, casting and special effects materials but also industrial casting resins, adhesives and equipment. FormX is main distributor of Smooth-On products in Europe.


Epoxacast 650

EpoxAcast ® 650 is een mineraal gevulde, gietbare epoxyhars die voordelig en veelzijdig is. Deze hars beschikt over een lage gemengde viscositeit voor een minimale luchtbelvorming. U kan kiezen uit Fast, Medium of Slow katalysator - wat het beste bij uw project past. U kunt ook een HT verharder gebruiken om uw gietstukkeneen hogere hittebestendigheid te geven.

EpoxAcast ® 650 wordt gebruikt voor het maken van harde matrijzen voor het stempelen van metaal en alsmede als mallen en armaturen. Het wordt ook gebruikt voor elektrische inkapseling; Van de elektronische apparaten wordt de levenscycus verlengt en de prestaties verbeterd. De hoge druksterkte van EpoxAcast ® 650 maakt het ideaal voor het maken van persmatrijzen voor de productie van metalen ornamenten.

EpoxAcast 650 Base (Deel A) & Verharder (deel B) wordt apart verkocht. U kunt kiezen uit 101 FAST, MEDIUM 102, 103 SLOW of HT Verharder

650 Veiligheidsinformatie

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epoxacast 650


  • Epoxacast 650 /1,36kg

    EpoxAcast® 650 is a mineral filled general purpose casting epoxy that is low cost and versatile. It features a low mixed viscosity for minimal bubble entrapment. N.B. Hardener sold seperately: Epoxacat 101 (fast), -102 (medium) or -103 (slow)

    34,78 EUR


  • Epoxacast 650 /5,44 kg

    EpoxAcast® 650 is een met mineralen gevulde epoxy voor algemeen gebruik die goedkoop en veelzijdig is. Het heeft een lage gemengde viscositeit voor minimale luchtbellen insluiting.

    115,14 EUR

Epoxacast 650 harder wordt apart verkocht

Epoxacast 650 mixing ratio pot life cure time
101 fast hardener 100A:12B 20 minutes 1 hour
102 medium hardener 100A : 13B 90 minutes 4 hours
103 slow hardener 100A : 14B 3,5 hours 24 hours
HT high temperature hardener 100A : 10B 3,0 hours 24 Hours followed by: Heat cure for 2 hrs at 175°F/80°C followed by 3 hrs at 300°F/150°C

Hardener Safety Information

Epoxacast Hardeners

  • Harder 101 Fast /230gr

    101 FAST Hardener - Trial Size PART B ONLY When used with EpoxAcast 650: Mix ratio: 100A:12B by weight Pot Life: 20 min. - Cure Time: 1 hour Net Weight : 0.5 Lbs.

    24,08 EUR

  • Harder 101 Fast /0,91kg

    101 FAST Hardener - Gallon Size PART B ONLY When used with EpoxAcast 650: Mix ratio: 100A:12B by weight Pot Life: 20 min. - Cure Time: 1 hour Net Weight : 0,91 kg

    71,10 EUR

  • Harder 102 Medium /270gr

    102 MEDIUM Hardener - Trial Size PART B ONLY When used with EpoxAcast 650: Mix ratio: 100A:13B by weight Pot Life: 90 min. - Cure Time: 4 hours Net Weight : 270 grams.

    26,66 EUR

  • Harder 102 Medium /1,04 kg

    102 MEDIUM Hardener - Gallon Size PART B ONLY When used with EpoxAcast 650: Mix ratio: 100A:13B by weight Pot Life: 90 min. - Cure Time: 4 hours Net Weight : 1,04 kg.

    73,33 EUR

  • Harder 103 Slow /250gram

    103 SLOW Hardener - Trial Size PART B ONLY When used with EpoxAcast 650: Mix ratio: 100A:14B by weight Pot Life: 3.5 hours - Cure Time: 24 hours Net Weight : 250 grams.

    25,33 EUR

  • Harder 103 Slow /1,02kg

    103 SLOW Hardener - Gallon Size PART B ONLY When used with EpoxAcast 650: Mix ratio: 100A:14B by weight Pot Life: 3.5 hours - Cure Time: 24 hours Net Weight : 1,02 kg.

    73,33 EUR

HT HardenerVeiligheidsinformatie

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Epoxacast HT Hardener

  • Harder HT (High Temperature) /180gr

    HT HIGH TEMP Hardener - Trial Size PART B ONLY When used with EpoxAcast 650: Mix ratio: 100A:10B by weight Pot Life: 3 hours - Cure Time: 24 hours followed by heat cure schedule - see technical bulletin Net Weight : .4 Lbs.

    21,56 EUR


Epoxacast 655

EpoxAcast ® 655 (voorheen Metalset ® A-30) is een veelzijdige, aluminium gevulde, gietbare epoxyhars die zeer hard en sterk is. Het is vormvast, ook als dezee in grotere massa gegoten wordt tot 8,390 cm3. Er zijn verschillende snelheden verharders beschikbaar, afhankelijk van de eisen van uw project. Maximale warmteweerstand wordt bereikt met behulp van HT HIGH TEMP verharder (tot 225 ° F/108 ° C).

Uitgeharde EpoxAcast ® 655 epoxy heeft hoge fysieke eigenschappen en wordt gebruikt voor een verscheidenheid aan toepassingen, waaronder het maken van harde mallen, vacuümvorm matrijzen / mallen, matrijzen, gieterij modellen en mallen voor het pregen van metaal. Afhankelijk van de eisen van het project kan deel A Base worden gemengd met 101 FAST, MEDIUM 102, 103 SLOW of HT HIGH TEMP harders.

EpoxAcast 655 Base (Deel A) & Verharder (deel B) worden apart verkocht. U kunt kiezen uit 101 FAST, MEDIUM 102, 103 SLOW of HT Verharder

655 Veiligheidsinformatie

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epoxacast 655


  • Epoxacast 655 /1,36kg

    EpoxAcast® 655 (formerly Metalset® A-30) is a versatile aluminum filled castable epoxy resin that is very hard and strong. It is dimensionally stable, even when mass cast up to 512 in3/ 8,390 cm3. Different hardener speed options are available depending on your project requirements. Maximum heat resistance is achieved using HT HIGH TEMP hardener (up to 225°F/108°C). N.B. Hardener sold seperately: Epoxacat 101 (fast), -102 (medium) or -103 (slow)

    61,23 EUR

Epoxacast 655 harder wordt apart verkocht

Epoxacast 655 mixing ratio pot life uithardtijd
101 fast hardener 100A:10B 30 minutes 90 minutes
102 medium hardener 100A : 11B 75 minutes 135 minutes
103 slow hardener 100A : 12B 3 hours 195 minutes
HT high temperature hardener 100A : 8B 4 hours 24 Hours followed by: Heat cure for 2 hrs at 175°F/80°C followed by 3 hrs at 300°F/150°C

Hardener Safety Information

Epoxacast Harders

Harder pint sets

  • Harder 101 Fast /230gr

    101 FAST Hardener - Trial Size PART B ONLY When used with EpoxAcast 650: Mix ratio: 100A:12B by weight Pot Life: 20 min. - Cure Time: 1 hour Net Weight : 0.5 Lbs.

    24,08 EUR

  • Harder 101 Fast /0,91kg

    101 FAST Hardener - Gallon Size PART B ONLY When used with EpoxAcast 650: Mix ratio: 100A:12B by weight Pot Life: 20 min. - Cure Time: 1 hour Net Weight : 0,91 kg

    71,10 EUR

Harder pint sets

  • Harder 102 Medium /270gr

    102 MEDIUM Hardener - Trial Size PART B ONLY When used with EpoxAcast 650: Mix ratio: 100A:13B by weight Pot Life: 90 min. - Cure Time: 4 hours Net Weight : 270 grams.

    26,66 EUR

  • Harder 102 Medium /1,04 kg

    102 MEDIUM Hardener - Gallon Size PART B ONLY When used with EpoxAcast 650: Mix ratio: 100A:13B by weight Pot Life: 90 min. - Cure Time: 4 hours Net Weight : 1,04 kg.

    73,33 EUR

Harder pint sets

  • Harder 103 Slow /250gram

    103 SLOW Hardener - Trial Size PART B ONLY When used with EpoxAcast 650: Mix ratio: 100A:14B by weight Pot Life: 3.5 hours - Cure Time: 24 hours Net Weight : 250 grams.

    25,33 EUR

  • Harder 103 Slow /1,02kg

    103 SLOW Hardener - Gallon Size PART B ONLY When used with EpoxAcast 650: Mix ratio: 100A:14B by weight Pot Life: 3.5 hours - Cure Time: 24 hours Net Weight : 1,02 kg.

    73,33 EUR

Epoxacast Hardener Veiligheidsinformatie

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Epoxacast HT Hardener

  • Harder HT (High Temperature) /180gr

    HT HIGH TEMP Hardener - Trial Size PART B ONLY When used with EpoxAcast 650: Mix ratio: 100A:10B by weight Pot Life: 3 hours - Cure Time: 24 hours followed by heat cure schedule - see technical bulletin Net Weight : .4 Lbs.

    21,56 EUR

670 HT

Epoxacast 670HT

EpoxAcast ® 670 HT (voorheen 20-136) is een gieten epoxy die een hoge hittebestendigheid biedt tot 350 °F/177 °C - indien deze nagehard wordt. EpoxAcast ® 670 HT heeft een relatief lage viscositeit die voor minimale luchtbelinsluiting zorgt. EpoxAcast ® 670 HT biedt ook een extra lange werktijd van 3 uur.

Gietstukkenharden uit met verwaarloosbare krimp en zijn zeer hard, zeer sterk en hittebestendig. EpoxAcast ® 670 HT is ideaal voor het maken van vacuümvorm mallen, gieterij modellen, vormstempels & armaturen, industriële onderdelen en high impact gereedschappen. EpoxAcast ® HT 670 is ook geschikt voor encapsulatiedoeleinden of voor gebruik als een hoge temperatuur resistente epoxy lijm voor het verbinden van verschillende oppervlakken.

670 HT Veiligheidsinformatie

Epoxacast 670 HT

  • Epoxacast 670HT /1,31kg

    EpoxAcast® 670 HT (formerly 20-136) is an epoxy casting compound which offers high heat resistance up to 350° F/177° C if post cure schedule is used. EpoxAcast® 670 HT features a relatively low viscosity that ensures minimal bubble entrapment. EpoxAcast® 670 HT also offers an extra long working time of 3 hours.

    80,97 EUR

  • Epoxacast 670HT /5.26kg

    EpoxAcast® 670 HT (formerly 20-136) is an epoxy casting compound which offers high heat resistance up to 350° F/177° C if post cure schedule is used. EpoxAcast® 670 HT features a relatively low viscosity that ensures minimal bubble entrapment. EpoxAcast® 670 HT also offers an extra long working time of 3 hours.

    269,66 EUR

EpoxAcast 670 HT Harder

Epoxacast 670 mengverhouding Werktijd Uithardtijd
Epoxacast 670 HT hardener 100A : 16B per gewicht 3 uur 24 uur gevolgd door hitte uitharding gedurende 2 uur bij 80 °C gevolgd door 3 uur bij 150 °C

Epoxacast Hardener Veiligheidsinformatie

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Epoxacast HT Hardener

  • Harder HT (High Temperature) /180gr

    HT HIGH TEMP Hardener - Trial Size PART B ONLY When used with EpoxAcast 650: Mix ratio: 100A:10B by weight Pot Life: 3 hours - Cure Time: 24 hours followed by heat cure schedule - see technical bulletin Net Weight : .4 Lbs.

    21,56 EUR

690 Clear

Epoxacast 690 Clear

EpoxAcast ® 690 is een UV-bestendig transperante gietbare epoxyhars die ideaal is voor het maken van heldere sieraden / kralen of vervangings lenzen voor kit auto's en andere toepassingen die een starre, transperant afgewerkt product nodig hebben. EpoxAcast ® 690 kan gekleurd worden met SO-Strong ® kleurtinten.

EpoxAcast ® 690 is ook geschikt voor het maken van heldere mallen en prototypen. Gietstukken harden uit met verwaarloosbare krimp en zijn zeer hard en sterk. EpoxAcast ® 690 is ook geschikt voor encapsulatie toepassingen voor electronica waarbij het nodig is de verschillende componenten te kunnen blijven identificatiseren. Aanbevolen gietdikte maximaal 5 cm.


Epoxacast 690

  • Epoxacast 690 clear /1,18kg

    EpoxAcast® 690 is a UV resistant clear casting epoxy resin that is ideal for making clear jewelry/beads or replacement lenses for kit cars and other applications requiring a rigid, clear finished product. EpoxAcast® 690 can be colored with SO-Strong® color tints.

    63,09 EUR

  • Epoxacast 690 Clear /4,71kg

    EpoxAcast® 690 is a UV resistant clear casting epoxy resin that is ideal for making clear jewelry/beads or replacement lenses for kit cars and other applications requiring a rigid, clear finished product. EpoxAcast® 690 can be colored with SO-Strong® color tints

    206,05 EUR

  • Epoxacast 690 Clear /20,63kg

    UV resistant clear casting epoxy resin for applications requiring a rigid, clear finished product. Set 20,63 kg (15,88 kg A + 4,76 kg B).

    812,72 EUR

EpoxAcast 690 Clear Harder

Epoxacast 690 mengverhouding werktijd uithardtijd
Epoxacast 690 clear hardener 100A : 30B bij gewicht 5 uur 24 uur

HT Hardener Veiligheidsinformatie

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HT Hardener

  • Harder HT (High Temperature) /180gr

    HT HIGH TEMP Hardener - Trial Size PART B ONLY When used with EpoxAcast 650: Mix ratio: 100A:10B by weight Pot Life: 3 hours - Cure Time: 24 hours followed by heat cure schedule - see technical bulletin Net Weight : .4 Lbs.

Epoxacast 692 Clear

692 Veiligheidsinformatie

Hardener Safety Information

EpoxAcast 692

  • Epoxacast 692 Clear /5.08kg

    EpoxAcast 692 Deep Pour is an UV resistant clear casting epoxy resins suitable for a variety of ...

  • Epoxacast 692 Clear /25.4kg

    EpoxAcast 692 Deep Pour is an UV resistant clear casting epoxy resins suitable for a variety of ...

Epoxacast Harders

Harder pint sets

  • Harder 101 Fast /230gr

    101 FAST Hardener - Trial Size PART B ONLY When used with EpoxAcast 650: Mix ratio: 100A:12B by weight Pot Life: 20 min. - Cure Time: 1 hour Net Weight : 0.5 Lbs.

    24,08 EUR

  • Harder 101 Fast /0,91kg

    101 FAST Hardener - Gallon Size PART B ONLY When used with EpoxAcast 650: Mix ratio: 100A:12B by weight Pot Life: 20 min. - Cure Time: 1 hour Net Weight : 0,91 kg

    71,10 EUR

Harder pint sets

  • Harder 102 Medium /270gr

    102 MEDIUM Hardener - Trial Size PART B ONLY When used with EpoxAcast 650: Mix ratio: 100A:13B by weight Pot Life: 90 min. - Cure Time: 4 hours Net Weight : 270 grams.

    26,66 EUR

  • Harder 102 Medium /1,04 kg

    102 MEDIUM Hardener - Gallon Size PART B ONLY When used with EpoxAcast 650: Mix ratio: 100A:13B by weight Pot Life: 90 min. - Cure Time: 4 hours Net Weight : 1,04 kg.

    73,33 EUR

Harder pint sets

  • Harder 103 Slow /250gram

    103 SLOW Hardener - Trial Size PART B ONLY When used with EpoxAcast 650: Mix ratio: 100A:14B by weight Pot Life: 3.5 hours - Cure Time: 24 hours Net Weight : 250 grams.

    25,33 EUR

  • Harder 103 Slow /1,02kg

    103 SLOW Hardener - Gallon Size PART B ONLY When used with EpoxAcast 650: Mix ratio: 100A:14B by weight Pot Life: 3.5 hours - Cure Time: 24 hours Net Weight : 1,02 kg.

    73,33 EUR

Epoxacast Hardener Veiligheidsinformatie

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- Lesen Sie das Sicherheitsinformationsetikett. Klicken Sie auf das Bild.


HT Hardener

  • Harder HT (High Temperature) /180gr

    HT HIGH TEMP Hardener - Trial Size PART B ONLY When used with EpoxAcast 650: Mix ratio: 100A:10B by weight Pot Life: 3 hours - Cure Time: 24 hours followed by heat cure schedule - see technical bulletin Net Weight : .4 Lbs.


Epoxie Verdunner

  • Epic Epoxy Thinner pint unit

    Epic Epoxy Thinner is een heldere, waterachtige vloeistof die de viscositeit van Smooth-On giet- en lamineerepoxynen verlaagt. Epic kan in verschillende verhoudingen worden toegevoegd aan een epo...

    17,38 EUR


Preparation– Avoid breathing fumes - use in a well ventilated area at minimum. NIOSH approved respirator is recommended. Wear safety glasses, long sleeves and rubber gloves to minimize skin contact.

Materials should be stored and used in a room temperature environment (73°F/23°C). Elevated temperatures will reduce pot life. EpoxAcast® 670 Resin and Hardener must be properly measured and thoroughly mixed to achieve full, high-strength, solid-cure properties.

Because no two applications are quite the same, a small test application to determine suitability for your project is recommended if performance of this material is in question.

Applying A Release Agent – For releasing epoxy from non-porous surfaces such as resin, metal, glass etc., use Ease Release 200 or 205 (available from Smooth-On) to prevent adhesion.

IMPORTANT: To ensure thorough coverage, lightly brush the release agent with a soft brush over all surfaces of the mold or model. Follow with a light mist coating and let the release agent dry for 30 minutes.

Pre-mix Part A Thoroughly - Separation may have occurred in transit or storage. Pre-mix for 2 minutes prior to dispensing to a uniform consistency using a straight edge paddle (paint stirrer) or turbo mixer (drill attachment).

Measuring / Dispensing – Accurate measurement by weight is required for the material to cure properly and develop full physical properties. Dispense Parts A and B in proper proportions into clean plastic, metal or wax-free paper containers. You must use an accurate scale (gram scale or triple beam balance scale) to weigh these components properly. Do not attempt to measure components by volume.

Adding Color & Fillers
- EpoxAcast® 670 HT can be colored with SOStrong® color tints (from Smooth-On). Pre-mix tint with Part A thoroughly and then add Part B. A variety of dry fillers can also be added. Pre-mix dry filler with Part A before adding Part B.

Mixing – Be sure mixing utensils are clean and free of any potential contaminants such as dirt, dust or grease. Mix Parts A and B thoroughly for at least 3 minutes with a square edged mixing stick. Be aggressive and scrape sides and bottom of mixing container several times. Use the square edge of mixing stick to bring material off of the sides of container and blend. If using a drill mixer, follow with hand mixing as directed above to ensure thorough mixing.

Vacuuming - EpoxAcast® 670 HT is low in viscosity compared to other epoxy cating systems and does not require vacuum degassing. If you choose to vacuum the material, subject mixture to 29 h.i.g. mercury in a vacuum chamber until mixture rises, breaks and falls. Allow for 5 times volume expansion in mixing container.

Pouring – If casting EpoxAcast® 670 into a rubber mold, pour mixture in a single spot at the lowest point of the mold. Let the mixture seek its own level. A uniform flow will help minimize entrapped air.

If making vacuum forming molds, it is best to use piano wire (15/1000 inch gauge) to make vacuum holes.

Cure Time: Refer to specified Cure Times in Handling Properties section. Cured material will be hard and unable to penetrate with a finger nail. Cured epoxy can now be dry sanded. If machining or sanding, wear NIOSH approved mask to prevent inhalation of particles. Pot life and cure time values are dependent on mass and mold configuration, as epoxies are mass-sensitive.

Heat Curing - For best results, EpoxAcast® should be heat cured in an dedicated oven. Cure at 175° F / 80° C for two hours, followed by three hours at 300° F / 150° C. Allow material to cool to room temperature before use.

Painting – Cured EpoxAcast® can be painted or primed and then painted with acrylic enamel paints. Let paint fully dry before putting part into service.

Removing Epoxy – Uncured / Non-curing epoxy: Scrape as much material as possible from the surface using a scraper. Clean the residue with E-POX-EE KLEENER®, lacquer thinner, acetone or alcohol. Follow safety warnings pertaining to solvents and provide adequate ventilation.

Hier vindt u onze produkten gerangschikt naar diverse toepassingsmogelijkheden, zoals: Lifecasting, boetseren, afvormen, gieten, make-up, stuntwerk, dentaalwerk en studie.

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